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Tips on how to complete the RMFT application.

Start by reading over the complete application. If you downloaded the application a while ago, please check the website to be sure you are using the most current version. Please read the introductory page on page 1. Please send all the required documents to at the same time. 

Please fill out every section, even if you put in N/A or previously approved.


If you requested from your university an Official Transcript be sent to CACFT/ACTCF when you become an Associate member you do not have to request it again, unless you have taken other courses since then that you are counting as part of the ‘required course work’. 


IF all eleven (11) of the required courses were accepted when you became an Associate member you don’t need to complete section 5(a) again. Please make a note on your application or email that all 11 courses were already approved when you became an Associate member. 

Reflection paper 

Question 5(b) regarding writing a reflection paper on First Nations/Indigenous cultures must be submitted with your RMFT application. 

Supervision Report Form or Attestation

You must have a signed report (attestation) for any direct client contact hours and systemic supervision hours that you are entering on page 8 in the summary section. This section must be completed. Some universities will provide you with one document to show all the practicum hours you received during your program. As long as it is signed by an authorized individual, we will accept that. If you submitted the hours you earned in your program when you became an Associate member, you not need to do so again. If needed you can find a one page ‘Supervisor Attestation Form’ on the ‘applications page’ on our website. Please remember that supervision hours in your practicum are counted at a ratio of 1 supervision hour for every 5 direct client contact (DCC) hours. For example, if someone has 500 hours of DCC, we would only count 100 hours of supervision. 

Reporting direct client contact and supervision hours on your application. 

Please be sure the numbers you are entering on the RMFT application are the same as the numbers on the attestation(s). 

Approved Alternate Supervisor 

If your supervisor is not an RMFT Supervisor, or AAMFT Supervisor, your supervisor must complete an Approved Alternate Application. This should have been done at the beginning of your supervision with them. If it wasn’t, the application is on the ‘applications page’.  


Please review your application before submitting it to Be sure all required documents are included in your email. Eg Attestations, Reflection paper. You will receive an email acknowledging your application within a few days. If at all possible, please do not submit your application as pictures. 

Application Payment 

Please go to our online ‘Store’ and select the appropriate payment button. 

Contact the CACFT/ACTCF

(416) 907-4620


P.O. Box 1064

Tottenham, ON.

L0G 1W0

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