Information for Therapists Practicing Virtually
The following information has been emailed to all CACFT/ACTCF members and may be helpful to others.
All are PHIPA and PIPEDA compliant. Please click for the complete list.
There have been a lot of questions regarding what level of security is needed to use a video conferencing platform for psychotherapy. From what I understand, from the guidelines set by CRPO and other regulatory bodies, there needs to be: Please click to read more.
Thinking of Returning to Work? May 7, 2020
These are challenging times, and the COVID19 pandemic has significant implications for all of us. While many of our clients – and some of us – are still reeling from the effects of physical distancing, we are now being asked to prepare for ‘re-opening’.
Many of us may be caught between the urge to go back to work - both for our clients’ sake and for our own financial security – and our concerns about transmission of the virus. Please click here to read the complete email.
Take Precautions Against Cybersecurity Threats - May 5, 2020
In this time of moving our practices online we need to be vigilant regarding online scams and other cybersecurity threats. The CACFT/ACTCF board has already been the target of sophisticated email scams that looked very realistic.
Insurance provider HIROC recently issued the following alert regarding cyber threats to health care providers’ information security, client confidentiality and privacy. More...
If you use Zoom please read this, April 3, 2020
Please read these articles that came out in the last few days regarding privacy and security issues with Zoom. it appears that the Zoom privacy documents that I shared with all of you are a tad misleading (zoom security white paper & zoom pipeda phipa Canadian public information compliance guide). Please click here for more information about Zoom as well as other general information.
UPDATE: Video Conferencing Platforms, April 1, 2020
Hello fellow members,
We are still getting lots of legal and privacy questions regarding using a video conference platform. Zoom Pro is a basic video conferencing platform (CDN$20/month) that meets the CRPO Electronic Practice Guidelines. For more information on Zoom security and privacy read the following and decide if it meets your security and privacy needs. For more information please click here.
Weekly Self Care and Client Care Zoom Discussion, March 31, 2020
Wednesday @ 12:10pm EDT
Click on this link to join the Zoom meeting.
One tap mobile for those joining from their smart phones
Hello all,
These past few weeks have seen enormous changes in our personal and professional lives. In times of upheaval, people turn to their therapist to help them get through it, but who is helping us? Please click here to read more.
Updates - Consent form, OnCall Discount, Apple Discount, MHCC, Wednesday Zoom Discussion, March 28, 2020
Hello fellow members,
It certainly has been a tumultuous few weeks, and I do hope that you are doing well. Here are a few updates from your CACFT/ACTCF.
There has been a conversation in our discussion forum regarding what kind of consent form to use with clients as many of us switch to online therapy. I created an "Agreement for video conference and/or telephone therapy sessions” from a consent form that a friend shared with me. Please keep in mind that I am not a lawyer, so I am sharing this “as is” for you to modify as you see fit. You will find the agreement in the member section of Please click here to read more.
Please Help the Most Vulnerable, March 27, 2020
I am sure most of you have been following the news more than you might have in the past. These are challenging times for everyone. People who have been laid off and have been living paycheck to paycheck will be struggling to put food on the table. Being required to stay home can lead to increasing conflict, anxiety and depression in some families. School and all sporting activities closing has removed crucial supports for many children. Not all children will have someone to help them get through this pandemic. Please click for more information.
UPDATE on Video Conferencing, March 23, 2020
There have been a lot of questions regarding what level of security is needed to use a video conferencing platform for psychotherapy. From what I understand, from the guidelines set by CRPO and other regulatory bodies, there needs to be: To read more, please click here.
Video Conferencing Issues, Members Discussion Forum, March 19, 2020
I am sure that most of you have experienced a considerable disruption to your work and personal lives in this past week. Coping with these changes is not easy, and many of us are the ones that others turn to in times of crisis. With this in mind, I created a private discussion forum for us to be able to talk, share our challenges and help each other in a virtual community. We are systemic, relational therapist, but we are also humans, and we all need community, especially in times of crisis. Please click here to read more.
Video Chat and Telemedicine as an alternative to face to face sessions March 17, 2020
Hello all,
I do hope that everyone is safe and sound during these difficult times. Many of us, and our clients, are in self-isolation to help “flatten the curve” on COVID19. This means many of us are seeking alternatives to face to face client sessions. Here are a few thoughts regarding the use of video chat & telemedicine platforms. To read more, please click here.
Dear fellow members,
These are challenging times, and the COVID-19 pandemic has significant implications for all of us who work in private practice, health care/social service agencies and educational settings.
The following are a few important recommendations we hope will help you as you decide how to ensure a safe setting when meeting face-to-face with clients to provide individual, couples and family therapy and how to communicate with them regarding the pandemic: Please click here to read more.
COVID-19 Pandemic, March 14, 2020
Dear fellow members,
These are very difficult times and the COVID-19 Pandemic has significant implications for all of us who work in private practice, health care/social service agencies and educational settings.
The following are a few recommendations that we hope will help you as you decide how to communicate with your clients regarding the pandemic and ensure a safe setting in which to provide individual, couples and family therapy: Please click for more information.