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Advertisement Policies and Guidelines:

All advertisements or other announcements must be intended to promote the profession of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT), benefit MFT professionals in Canada, their clients/ communities served.

We will gladly post job opportunities for MFTs. 

MFTs who are registrants residing in Canada may not promote their individual or group practice unless it is related to a training/workshop event. (RMFTs are encouraged to promote their practices without fee on the Find a Therapist  practice listings on the website)

Non-therapists wishing to advertise services that are intended to benefit the practices and services provided by MFTs may do so if these are not in direct competition with services provided by MFTs. (eg. A family lawyer may wish to advertise)

The CAMFT does not endorse the businesses advertising on the CAMFT website. Publication of advertising does not imply endorsement by the CAMFT or CAMFT registrants.

The CAMFT will screen all submitted materials for appropriateness/suitability. Inappropriate or non-suitable submissions will not be posted. 

Process of Submitting an Advertisement 

Ads can be sent via email  to the CAMFT administrator 

Advertisers may create their own text ad containing the needed information.  It must be in an easily readable file format eg Word doc and may be edited before posting.

Website Advertising Terms of Use

By submitting advertising for inclusion on the CAMFT website, the advertiser or agency agrees to be bound by the following terms. No other conditions shall be binding on the CAMFT unless specifically agreed to in writing by the CAMFT. This document supersedes all terms and conditions of any previous agreements between CAMFT and the advertiser or agency. Acceptance of advertising for the CAMFT website should not be construed as any type of endorsement by the CAMFT, or any of its members or accredited standards developers or third-party organizations (unless otherwise noted). The advertiser understands that permission to advertise on the CAMFT website shall not in itself be used to market or promote the advertiser or the advertiser’s organization, product, system or service.

The CAMFT reserves the right to reject or cancel advertising in its publications for any reason at any time. The CAMFT will not accept advertising that appears to be libellous, slanderous, or in conflict with the CAMFT policies or the Code of Ethics. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed, and also assume liability for any claims resulting from advertisements against the CAMFT.

Contact the CACFT:

(416) 907-4620

[email protected]


P.O. Box 1064

Tottenham, ON.

L0G 1W0

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