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Your degree must include a supervised practice (supervised client contact hours with individuals, couples, and families). A minimum of 150 supervised client contact hours is required to become an Associate member.  Applicants who did not complete the full 150 hours practicum during their graduate program may document the remaining hours with initial post graduate client contact hours supervised by an RMFT Supervisor, Supervisor Qualifying, or by an Approved Alternate supervisor pre-approved by CACFT specifically for that applicant.

N.B. Not all hours can be acquired post-graduation. The degree must include a practicum with at least some hours of client contact.

In the case of programs whose practicum requirements exceed 150 hours, there are two categories:

Programs which are COAMFTE approved: all hours acquired within the program are counted toward the 1000 hours total required to become an RMFT.

Graduates of COAMFTE accredited programs must complete 500 client contact hours for their graduate practicum; hours from a COAMFTE program  can be used at a ratio of one supervision hour for every five client contact hours toward the post-graduate hour requirement. 

Programs which are not COAMFTE approved: the 150 practicum hours must be completed before beginning to acquire the 1000 hours required to become an RMFT.

Contact the CACFT/ACTCF

(416) 907-4620


P.O. Box 1064

Tottenham, ON.

L0G 1W0

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