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Please review the information on the Membership Explained webpage and be sure you have all the necessary information ready to complete your application. 

Please Complete the Two Step Process for completing your Student Member application for membership with The Canadian Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Step 1 Complete the application form. Step 2 Pay your $25.00 application fee. 

The annual CACFT/ACTCF membership fee for students is $55.00 plus tax. After your membership application is approved you will have fourteen (14) days to pay your membership fee. Your annual membership fees will be due on your anniversary date. 

Applicants who are eligible for a higher membership category in CACFT/ACTCF are ineligible for Student membership. Once you have completed your degree and 150 hours  of practicum you are required to move to the associate category. There is no fee for transferring from Student Member to Associate Member.  

To complete Step 1 please click here

Contact the CACFT/ACTCF

(416) 907-4620


P.O. Box 1064

Tottenham, ON.

L0G 1W0

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